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NZSL/HOD/5/4/11 · Pièce · 23 Jan 1845
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

British Museum
23rd Jan 1845

To B. H. Hodgson Esq[ui]re


I am directed by the Trustees to acknowledge your letter of the 3rd inst. and to offer you their especial thanks for the liberal addition you have made to your former extensive presents to the Museum. The Trustees have directed the Keeper of Zoology to select and receive into the Collections under his charge such of our osteological specimens as may be usefully retained in the Museum, and to take your instructions as to the disposal of the remainder. I am to beg the favor of knowing the names of the various persons referred to in your letter as being in possession of part of the Drawings presented by you to the Trustees
To Mr. Frank Howard, mentioned in your former Correspondence the Trustees have already made application on the subject
I have the honor to be
your most obedient
humble Servant
J. Forshall

NZSL/HOD/5/4/13 · Pièce · 4 Feb 1845
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Canterbury Feby 4 1845

To the Revd J. Forshall
Secretary British Museum


I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 23 ult. relative to my Zoological collections

  1. With reference to the extent of these collections recently, and formerly delivered, it may conduce to future convenience if the Keeper of the Zoology be directed to submit to the Trustees a summary statement showing the totals of what has been received by the Museum, what retained by it, and what distributed elsewhere, in the shape of skins, bones, or Drawings.

  2. The following are the parties to which I wish the duplicate skins to be transmitted, in the order in which they are set down. India House, Leyden, Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, Edinbro, Dublin, Newcastle, Canterbury, Manchester, The Earl of Derby.

  3. The duplicate bones, I wish to be delivered to the Royal College of Surgeons, London, to The Zoological Society, London and to the other parties above named and in the same order, as far as the specimens go

  4. Letters are prepared by me to accompany these specimens, and I only wait your Keeper's report of what is available and the receipt of the Catalogue he is engaged to furnish, in order to deliver these letters.

  5. With regard to the missing Drawings presented to British Museum, I have the honor to state that I have recovered and delivered to your Keeper, sixty-five of them and that the following are the parties (beside Mr. Howard) from whom more of them may be expected to be obtained. The Royal Asi[atic] Society, The Zoological Society, Sir Alex Johnston, Professor H. H. Wilson.

  6. Mr Howard, I find it as length forthcoming and admits having a complete set of the Mammal Drawings which however he attempts to retain possession of under pretext the futility of which Mr. Hawkins of your Museum can establish. No time should be lost in recovering these drawings from Mr. Howard.
    I have the honor to be
    your most obt. Servant
    B. H. Hodgson
    Late Minister at the Court of Nepal

NZSL/HOD/5/4/15 · Pièce · 6 Feb 1845
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

East India House


I have laid before the Court of Directors of the East India Company your letter of the 25th ultimo tendering for their acceptance duplicate specimens of your extensive Collection of the Zoology of Nepal and Tibet. In reply I am commanded to convey to you the acknowledgements and thanks of the Court for this offer, which they have much pleasure in accepting. The Court are gratified by the opportunity of adding to their Museum and Collections acquired by so much Scientific Research and appropriated wit so much public spirit.
I am
Your most obedient
humble Servant

NZSL/HOD/5/4/19 · Pièce · 23 May 1845
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

The Lodge
May 23 1845

My dear Sir

I was much obliged by your last communication announcing your very handsome donation to me of 205 specimens of Birds. These will be of the highest interest to me as being original and authentic types of the numerous novelties which you have described in various works. I hope to be in London about the middle of June and to see you then.
Ever yours
very sincerely

H.E. Strickland

To B. H. Hodgson

NZSL/HOD/5/4/26 · Pièce · 4 Aug 1848
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Metcalf Hall, Calcutta
4 August 1848

My dear Sir

I have the pleasure to enclose you a few further remarks from Mr. Frith with reference to your last interesting communication regarding the Wild silk worm of the Saul forests.

I have not forgotten your request for seeds which shall be complied with fully immed[iatel]y the Society's annual consignments arrive:- in the meantime I have sent you a small assortment of acclimated vegetable seeds, enclosed in a bag/box which I despatched by dak banghy to Dr. Campbell a few days since

Yrs very truly

James Hume

To B.H. Hodgson Esq.

NZSL/HOD/5/4/28 · Pièce · 13 Mar 1860
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

Natural History Museum
March 13th 1860

Dear Sir,

In answer to your letter of the 7th inst. I have much pleasure in forwarding, in accordance with your wishes, the enclosed List of Birds which you discovered in Nepal since 1844 together with the corrected names of some of those previously sent. The species pertaining to the Rasorial, Grallatorial and Natatorial groups I have not as yet worked out (but which I hope to do at some future time) the names of these in the list are upon the authority of Mr. G. R. Gray. I hope it will answer your purpose. I believe I mentioned when you were last here, that a change would probably take place in regard to our Natural History Museum - and that I was anxious to obtain testimonials regarding my fitness for taking charge, as Curator, of this Collection. I therefore take this opportunity of soliciting the favour of one from yourself, which, with your kind permission I should be grateful to possess as soon as conveniently possible. Trusting that you will pardon the liberty and believe me

Your most obediently
Frederic Moore

P.S. For your information I may be allowed the liberty of stating that I acted as assistant to the late Doctor H. for 12 years, conducting the necessary duties of the Dept.

NZSL/HOD/5/4/30 · Pièce · 29 Mar 1870
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections

The Grange

March 29 1870

List of Ethnographical drawings numbered by sheets

  1. Nepal Series
    26 originals and 12 duplicates
    Also, in small 6 originals and 4 duplicates
    Also 16 photographs including one Toda woman and one Chinese man

  2. Sikim Series
    23 originals and 7 duplicates

  3. Rough drafts, 17 originals - No duplicates

1V. Three photographs of a native of the Andamans
And a set of Chines heads for comparison taken from Illus. London News and 12 sets of measurements of Himalayans

N.B Given to Anthropological Society through Hooker and Sir J. Lubbock Jany 1873

N.B May 1873
Destination altered and drawings presented to the Christie Collection as per list of the Superintendant Mr. Franks. The residue being duplicates and what not, kept and herein contained


NZSL/HOD/5/4/31 · Pièce · 1845
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections


To the Trustees of the
Royal College of Surgeons

During my residence in India I made extensive collections with a view to illustrate the Zoology of Nepal, and, being not insensible of the high importance of whatever tends to fix the Science of Zoology on the firm basis of structural peculiarities, I preserved a great many skeletons (more or less perfect) of such quadrupeds and birds as were procured by me as specimens and likewise procured anatomical notes to be occasionally made relative the soft as well as hard parts of the animals. It is my wish to present these materials if found worthy to the College of Surgeons. I regret that circumstances which it [?] need not here be referred to have rendered them far less complete than ones hope to have made them. These osteological remains are for the most part duly numbered with reference to the series of skins and drawings presented by me to the Brit. Museum. The species may be thus, for the most part at once identified, and I have only to add the expression of my hope that in return for the donation hereby proposed the College of Surgeons will be pleased to place me in communication with the person who may be directed to receive and examine these [?] and that that person may be authorised and required to put me in possession of the results of his examination of them, particularly such as are calculated to [?] on the Natural affinity or the habits and manners of the specimens.
(signed) B.H. Hodgson

[Note of reverse]
M.S. Collection declined in the reply
and therefore made over to Brit. Mus.
Jany 1845

NZSL/HOD/5/4/32 · Pièce · 1845
Fait partie de Non-ZSL Collections


My Dear Sir

I am sorry that I am obliged to go out this morning but in case you should some I leave the following

dons 1. India House - Dr. Horsfield Thomas Horsfield 1773-1859
655 American

       2. Mus. Leyden - Director
536 Mr Temminck Coenraad Jacob Temminck
Dutch 1778-1858
3. Mus. Paris The Administrator

4. Mus. Berlin Director
411 M. Lichtenstein Martin Hinrich Carl Lichtenstein
German 1780-1857

5. Mus. Senkenberg. Director
Frankfurt Dr. Rupell Eduard Ruppell
352 German 1794-1884

6. Edin.....College Museum
321 Professor Jameson Robert Jameson
Scottish 1774-1854

7. Dublin University Museum
290 Secretary R. Ball Esq Robert Ball
Irish 1802-1858
Became Director in 1844

8. Newcastle

9. Canterbury

10. Manchester The Secretary

11. Earl of Derby

12. Hugh Strickland Esq Hugh Edwin Strickland
Oxford English 1811-1853

Yours Very Truly
J.E. Gray