ZSL had an in-house architecture department for many years, which was responsible for building of many of the iconic buildings still extant onsite today.
Zoological Society of LondonPapers relating to curators and keepers from ZSL's history.
Zoological Society of LondonBooks filled in daily, listing the arrivals and departures, births and deaths of animals at London Zoo and Whipsnade. Other details mentioned in some of the books are numbers of visitors and money taken, particular visitors, keepers absent, unwell animals, building works, temperatures in the animal houses, weather. Also referred to as 'day books'.
Zoological Society of LondonFiles relating to the education department of ZSL.
Zoological Society of LondonRecords relating to the fellowship and membership of ZSL
Zoological Society of LondonPapers relating to the financial activities of ZSL
Zoological Society of LondonFiles relating to the library and its collections at ZSL
Zoological Society of LondonReports both internal and externally published by the society.
Zoological Society of LondonPapers relating to members of the UK and foreign Royal, including visits to ZSL London and Whipsnade Zoos
Zoological Society of LondonRecords relating to ZSL during World War Two.
Zoological Society of London