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NZSL/BUC/3/2 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Thursday Morng

My dear Buckland

I am passing thro Town on my way to Cambridge and have just stumbled on a park. If my Servant passed thro' Oxford and remembered to call for my Hat good - But if not pray send the said Hat to the office of the Cambridge [?] in order that it may be conveyed with the least delay to my head quarters in Trin. Coll. An old white Beaver is the present covering of my unacademical nob. and it will cut a sorry figure with a gown My coat is out of elbows and my [?] (made by the way by the fair hands of Mrs. B) is without any lining so I have need to call in all my reserves. My love to Eva and the rest of your squadron, my best regards to Madame

Yours ever

A Sedgewick

NZSL/BUC/3/6 · Item · 24 Nov 1833
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Postmark Cambridge
Nov 24 1833
Sunday Evening

Revd Dr Buckland
Christ Church

Dear Buckland

I have just time before the Post shuts to tell you that a Professorship of Ecology at Dublin is vacant and that Phillips of York is in the field. Can you contrive to write to any of your Dublin friends to give him a [shove?] It will be an admirable thing to get so good an English ecologist at Dublin. It is impossible to find in the British Isles another candidate who is half so good. How are you all at Oxford - Madam, Frank, my daughter Eve etc etc

Yours always

A Sedgewick

NZSL/BUC/3/12 · Item · 4 Jun 1835
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Can you make a party to suggest a motion?

Trinity Coll.
May 2

Postmarked J June 1835

My dear Buckland

Next Thursday will suit me very well, and I shall be happy to meet you and Lyell at the ordnance office at any hour that may be finally fixed on. On Wednesday I hope to have a paper on the Whitehaven Coalfield with some general remarks on the relations of the [Parton-Linston?] belt wh. runs to Egremont [?] foot of Staverson. The paper cannot be finished in the [?] but we can give the general ]?] and can have a page of details for the meeting of the October [?]. I shall rejoice to see Mrs Buckland and your children. I think it is about two years since I have shaken her by the hand. The Yorkshire [election?], a law suit and a bad cold has plagued me almost to death. The cold is [?] now that the wind blows from a quarter within two points of South. I heard from Langham a day or two since. William is doing very well [?] as and if God spare his health will work his way [?] to a Fellowship at Trin. Coll. Prey excuse this scrap of paper. It is the best I have.

Yours ever

A. Sedgewick

NZSL/BUC/3/4 · Item · 30 Apr 1830
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Dr. Buckland
Salopian Coffee House
Charing Cross

30 Ap 1830

My dear Buckland

I have two Germans on my hands, and the university inspectors in my Museum [?] my hands wh. are as full as they will can be but I have just time to say that I shall endeavour to be in Town and that I shall be most happy to meet you at the Salopian. Of course our Oxford plan is knocked on the head or rather it never came to a head. We do not however give up hope of visiting you and I shall mention to my friends your most hospitable intentions but I don't think it will do for us to quarter our hungry corps upon you. But enough of this at present.

Yours ever

A. Sedgewick

NZSL/BUC/3/15 · Item · 13 Nov 18[?]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Dear Buckland

The bearer Mr Rifaud has been spending about ? Days in Cambridge among other things seeking subscriptions for his great work on the natural history of [the] Antiquities of Egypt and Nubia. I dare say to have seen a few [?] of his work and [?] [rapport?] of it by [?] Of the [Parisien?] [?]. His collection of drawings is truly astonishing, they are the wealth of twenty two years almost [?] labour. His very body is no small [curiosity] as it bears the mark of about 17 wounds from the spears of [Arabs?]. Which seem to have been stuck in his body to [?] as arrow heads seen in the thighs of the [?] [?]. I have taken the liberty of giving him a letter to you believing that you will be delighted to [?] his drawings, be happy to make his signature, to put him on the [?] of knowing some of your librarians and other book buying people. Pray what are you doing at Oxford about Carrier's monument [?] me a letter from [Pentland?] on the subject but the stupid Irishman then gives me no address. Pray do you know if I am [?] to him?
Pray excuse writing and believe me
Yours Ever

[?] Coll Nov 13 18-

P.S. Mr Rifaud is accompanied by Mr [Dorling?] and Mrs [?] Who acts as interpreter for Mr. R speaks English no better than a creaking door.

NZSL/BUC/1/53 · Item · [18]27
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Ch Ch [18]27

To be returned

My dear Bull

Mr Johnson was here yesterday and having verified the delivery of more than £1,200 of Granite I signed an order to pay him £1000 in addition to the £200.
The Slate on the margin of the Library cornice will I believe do its work until the Roman cement decays and if the cement be good it will last many years.
I have heard nothing from the Dean about Torrington nor has [Jeff?] He will have told you of my intention to be at Torrington tomorrow, which is now postponed another week by a letter just rec'd announcing a visit on Saturday from 3 [Prussian?] Generals who were staying at Blaise Castle with me during the Bristol meeting and whom I have invited to my house here. My motive for going to Torrington is that I think I see a prospect of carrying into effect with advantage to myself and the college the improvements suggested in the observations in Knight's Survey 1812 of which I inclose a copy.

  1. I assume the truth of this report
  2. I know from a recent journey 1821 through Torrington that much of the land in that region is susceptible of great improvements by a large outlay of Capital and the New Systems of Husbandry
  3. The Natives will adopt neither of these improvement system for 1/2 a Century.
  4. I think I could turn my recent information acquired in Agriculture to good account thus if the lands on inspection shd appear capable of Improvement.
    A. Supposing I were to purchase the 21 years lease of the glebes of [Prestacott] and the Glebe of St Giles at a price a little exceeding what can be got from any native non-improving farmer or West Country Gentleman, I assume that the College would at the [?] not change anything for the improvements made; in the 1st 7 years.
    B. Supposing the lease [?] and 2nd be justified in laying out a very large sum of money in drainage to be repaired during my term by improved Rents.
    C. It will be essential to introduce The Scotch and East of England System of Husbandry and a Scotch Tenant with Capital, or a Scotch Bailiff without Capital will be indispensable. I have acquaintance enough with many of the first [practical?] agriculturalists to make it easy for me to find either of these Personages I have also knowledge of what is required to be done if the quality of the land and the climate warrant a large expenditure; for Torrington is on the margin of a bleak and elevated [plain?] I think the plan adopted by Lord Spencer and Lord de Manley wd. be more advantageous than letting to a Scotch Tenant to establish a Partnership with an intelligent Scotch Bailiff on the Plan following
  5. The Landlord to find Capital from Stock [implements] etc.
  6. The Bailiff to find Management of the entire concern at no Salary
  7. The Proceeds to pay all Expenses including the Rent of land at its present value. Proceeds also to pay me 5 or 6 per cent on the Money sunk in the drainage or other permanent improvements and also repay the sunk Capital in 21 years.
  8. The [?] of Profit i.e. of [?] Profit after the above deductions to be divided equally between my Bailiff or Partner and myself
NZSL/BUC/1/87 · Item · 17 Jun 1880
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

June 17th 1880

My dear Sir

Allow me most heartily to congratulate you on your success here. I have had great pleasure in looking over your exhibit, though I do know most of the objects, having seen them in company with yourself. I have just returned from the presentation of prizes
by the Crown Prince, and had great pleasure in hearing your name honourably mentioned as the winner of a gold medal. I was still more pleased to hear from Herr v Bunsen that you are vy much better. I sincerely hope you will vy soon be in your usual
good health again. I am making some WORD observations here which are proving vy interesting. You, and Mr Walpole shall have the result when I pass through London on my way home

With kind regards, and best wishes for your speedy recovery
Believe me
Yours truly

NZSL/BUC/1/79 · Item · 17 [Jun] 1869
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Eversley Rectory

[June?] 17/69

My dear Mr. Buckland

I have been in such trouble and anxiety (all right now, thank God) that I have overlooked your letter. Many thanks for the Fisheries report most valuable full of sound sense: but what stupid people the English are. They will not see that Salmon food is a great national questions, like the cornlaws and must be carries, every one fielding his private rights for the common good. I have not read [?] [?] but I will. Meanwhile I beg to report to you [?] [?] to [?] My second specimen of Coronella Lovis, Coronella Austriaca. I suspect that he was at one time not uncommon here but killed by turf cutters as a Viper. He seems confined to these S. Eastern [moors?]. He may be an old pre-glacial form, as these moors were not submerged after the beginning of the glacial epoch, but as he has not spread over, side by side with the Natterjacks on my lawn, [?] late, just before the Straits of Dover were eaten through.

Yours ever

[C. Kingsley?]

NZSL/BUC/1/90 · Item · 10 Apr 1933
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Monday 10 April 1933


'Charles to keep'

Dear Charles
In his last letter Hugh asked me to get him a copy of 'The Sunday Companion' of the 16th April 1932, as it had a picture of the Grand-father and his family at dinner. After a great deal of trouble I have managed to get a copy from the Editor of 'The Sunday Companion' as a favour on my telling them that it was a picture of the Grand-father. This picture has been shown to all here, also to Frank, Ernest etc. 'The Sunday Companion' publishers do not keep old copies for long, and the one wanted for the 16th April 1932 is a long way back for them. The picture is beautifully drawn and arranged showing very careful details. The words of description are splendid and very well deserved as the Grandfather's and Uncle Frank's good works have lasted so long. I am sending you the original picture, a typed sheet of the article, and three rough pencil tracings. Later on when you have done with it I would like to have the original picture back to send it to Hugh, as it was Hugh that found out about this. There is lovely sun here [?] and I are getting on well with the new foundations of the greenhouse and hope to make a lot of progress at it during the Easter holidays. I have been trying to help with typing some of his letters. I hope you are all keeping fairly well and taking care of yourselves.
Yours ever

NZSL/BUC/1/91 · Item · 12 Apr 1933
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Holly Lodge
East Molesy

Wednesday 12th April 1933

Dear Charles

It was very good and thoughtful of you to have returned the original of the Grandfather's picture and two of the tracings everso many thanks I am going to keep one of the tracings for myself and send the other and the original picture on to Hugh by tomorrow's South African Mail. He will be very glad to get it. They were very busy in the Editor's office of the 'Sunday Companion' when I called, and I did not get an opportunity of asking where the original picture is and whom it belongs to, but if I hear anything more of interest about it I will be sure to let you know.

I have been watering the plants in the garden every evening and some of them have been shooting up fine, we mowed the lawn for the first time on last Saturday and there was quite a large amount of fresh green grass. Judging from the fine show of white blossom it should be a good apple & plum year. A fresh supply of cement and sand arrived here from the builders this morning, ready for [?] & me during Easter time.
I hope you all have a good Easter
All good wishes