Correspondence with Phra Abhaivonge regarding the purchase of animals by the Zoological Society of London, including a pair of Pileated Gibbons, Peacock Pheasants and Spectacled Langurs
Correspondence between C S Webb, Alfred Ezra and L K Acooli regarding the supply of animals to London Zoo, including Pheasants, Pandas, Partridges and Crane
Bound volume contains payments by the Zoological Society of London to James Thompson for disbursement of cash in connection with his mission to India, with a bundle of receipts
Letter in Italian from June Allen to Joan Procter
Early papers regarding the Aquarium at London Zoo, including correspondence, price lists, reports on visits to Hamburg, Berlin, Brussels and Dresden
Letter from Arthur regarding his holiday in South Devon
Correspondence with David Attenborough regarding the diet of Giant Pangolins, a Zoo Quest trip to Paraguay and a request for supplies, a collection of birds, Gerald Durrell's hopes to set up a zoo in Jersey, and two bottle-nosed Dolphins that were caught in the Adriatic and taken to Plymouth by the BBC Natural History Unit
Correspondence with Dr B J Shepstone regarding membership of the Zoological Society of London
Correspondence with Lady Olive Bailie regarding her trip to London Zoo and a tour of the birds, and invitation to see her collection of birds, and an offer of Masked Lovebirds for Lady Bailie