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NZSL/BUC/1/52 · Item · 26 Jul 1826
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Jul 26

To the Revd
Professor Buckland
Post Office

My dear Sir
Thank you for your last kind letter, I am very glad to hear your voyage proceeds so [propiciously?] and that you have had such pleasant companions - it was very provoking to miss of the Giant's Causeway, but I hope a fair voyage to Staffa may compensate in some measure for your disappointment, I congratulate you on your satisfactory visit to Arran I have no doubt your researches will throw much light on those perplexing trap rocks, though Dr Shuttleworth may say what he please of Isap being understood by most Professors its history appears to me very little known by any of them. Dr McCullochs account of Arran is not at all intelligible - I should think the S.E of Sky will prove very interesting is it not there that a Isap Dyke converts some of the Lias into Marble as on the C. of [Ireland?] I wish I had any entertaining matter to communicate to you but I have only everyday occurrences to detail - My dear father is returned from his journeys in high health and, I trust he will continue to be free from gout - I have not heard from Miss Ayling and I begin to be astonished at her silence, but I am known so wonderfully patient under the influence of my watchword "[?] tranquille" that I seldom permit myself to fidgit, tho' Nature certainly did not make me a stoic. I hope you will meet with no greater dangers than occur from the [?] [?] and that your Trap hunting will not lead you into unnecessary risks, if I don't hear from you at no very distant intervals, I shall fancy in spite of "[?] tranquille" that you have tumbled over a Gneiss Precipice, or that a huge [?] has swallowed you or a thousand other terrible disasters. Your last letter was an unexpected pleasure to me, for I did not think to hear quite so soon - I hope I may often have such agreeable surprises. I have found a rare and very pretty shell in the Coppice and my Collection of fresh-water shells comes on very well it is surprising how much thicker a shell becomes when the animal dies in it and it is gradually dried up by the sun and air - I find that the animals inhabiting the shells contain, apparently dispersed over their bodies very minute grains of lime and very pure Carbonate I should imagine, from their [efficasing] so violently with acids. In some the larger grains of lime are as large as a small pin's head will [?] [torn paper] this account for the Shell becoming nearly [Paper missing] twice as thick under the circumstances I have mentioned and I think this may be the reason why many fossil shells which appear to have been originally very fragile are still so well preserved. I have had a present of two tame Plovers and a Curlew. Alas! I found my pretty Curlew lying dead yesterday morning - he was so tame as to eat from my hand and was very handsome with the brightest eyes I ever saw. John Hughes and his wife are staying here Mrs H is a particularly nice woman, very clever and intelligent you would like her very much - I am profitting by Mr Hughes' instructions in sketching and I mean to surprise you by my performances in that way. Mrs [Wraughton?] has just sent me a large ugly Yucca to paint for her - I do not like the employment at all - you had some difficulty in getting your Church [?] when you were here last - if you want any person now, there is a Mr Thomas of [Painbeck?] a gentlemanlike small man who dined here the other day and who I believe is unemployed. I hope a letter from you is now on the road if not pray write when you can that you may return in good health and safely is the constant prayer of
Yrs ever most Truly


NZSL/BUC/1/49 · Item · 23 Dec 1824
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Mr Sowerby presents his respects to Miss Morland and in consequence of Mr. Buckland’s desire he has sent her the following shells

Helix Congenda two specimens 2
Helix Shinulosa -ditto- 4
Helix Lachlamensis 4 4
Helix Glutinosa 3 3
Turbo [Sudens] 6 6
Turbo Nautilens 4 2
Turbo Laminarsus 4 4
Trochus [scarestus?] 4 4
Nautilus Lacustris 4 4
Mya[ [magarusiferia] 1 1
Turbo labiatus 1 5

                                                                  £1  15  0

Miss Morland will please to observe that Mr. Sowerby has sent her but one specimen of Turbo labiatus because though he has more, the price is so high that he fears she might not like to go to the expense. The other species that Miss Morland desires Mr. S.
has not got at present. He can however obtain most of them at some future period. Mr. S has the pleasure of send to Miss M. two specimens of a new British [?] of which he begs her acceptance

1567 Regent Street

Decr. 23 1824

NZSL/BUC/3/13 · Item · 11 Jul 1850
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

My dear Mrs Buckland

I am very desirous of knowing that our Cambridge philosophy has done you no more harm than my [potion] of the same kind which your Oxford [people?] prepared so well last year and which you took with such infinite grace and alacrity. After your good [?] in coming to see us to see how we succeeded in or [?] I should be very sorry indeed to think that the fumes of our scientific cookery had left any disagreeable impression upon you, either in this effect upon your health or your good opinion of the various cooks who were [concerned?] in the broth that was set before you. If you are quite well I do now know that we have anything to report for people in general seem very well pleased. Sedgwick had intended to go to Leamington as soon as the [?] was over but he is detained from correcting the proofs of his own speech which I have tried to impress upon him in a very reasonable manner for having talked so much as he did. In a few weeks I think it likely that he and I may go and air ourselves upon the [?] patch of Charnwood [?] [?] in our hands. Perhaps Aire may accompany us on his way to Mrs. A's family in Derbyshire in which case I think it is very [?] if we do now strike awe and admiration into the minds of the Leicestershire [?]. We shall not be quite satisfied till we know that you are quite well, so I hope that you will let us have that satisfaction soon. I suppose my [?] Bridgewater has begun to make his calls upon you again. I shall be very glad when he has called so that you and Dr. Buckland come in view

Ever Very Truly Yours

W. Roberts?
Trin Coll

[July 11?] 1850

NZSL/BUC/1/23 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections


My dear Mary

We are all well and trust you are better and the little ones. We go Monday morning to London and if Edward goes up that morning we hope to meet him there at Mr [Chaplin's?]
Will you send up my letters to me by Sunday eve's post at Ship Hotel [?] [?]

Ever yours
W. Buckland

Let Frank's letters come too

NZSL/BUC/1/42 · Item · 21 May [?]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Mrs Buckland

21st May

My Dear Mary

The dinners may be on the 9th and 11th will you send the Invitations. I hope to return from [Swansea?] Thursday and go to Oxford Saturday leaving Charterhouse Friday. I forward to-day to Mr. Milman the Book recd. from Mrs Gaisford by Frank

Ever yours


Did you get the basket of fruit

Wednesday 9th June is a meeting of the Geological Soc. which may interfere with some of your list will not [Monday?] and Saturday be better days if the invitations are not gone out

NZSL/BUC/1/46 · Item · 13 Dec 18[-]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Mrs. Buckland

31 Dec 18--

My Dear Mary

In the [?] [?] of the weather there may be risk of taking cold by exposure to it. I had better continue here to arrange Papers that must require attention. [Mr Saumaurez?] wrote to Mr Arrowsmith proposing that he should take the duty at Islip and begin his [?] on the 13 Jany. I have a note today from him accepting by Invitation to the Rectory for a day or 2 on his arrival and in reply I invite him to arrive on the 12th to take his first Sunday on the 13th.
I hope the frost will have ended before the 12th. You had better not think of moving while the weather continues in its [?] severity. I had no memorandum of money advanced on [?] to poor [fellow?] nor do I remember to what time I paid him last but his Bill is in my Tin Box at Islip in a Packet labelled Paid Bills by next post Pray forward a large letter from Oxford for Mr Lawlor sealed properly with a silvered [wafer?] it is Mr Lawlor's Gas [?] which I should return to him immediately. It will be the size of a large sheet of foolscap.

Ever Your affect.

Wm. Buckland

[Date?] I am not worse as to health

NZSL/BUC/1/21 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Mrs Buckland

Dear Mary

In the Dining Room Right Hand Corner of Hall down among 10 Maps is one 3 feet long in a Brown [?] with a red tape round it is a Map of Berks. and Oxford wh. send by [?] to

Yours Very Truly

Wm. Buckland

NZSL/BUC/1/18 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Mrs Buckland
Ch. Ch.

Shrewsbury Monday

My Dear Mary

I got your letter at Bangor Saturday and mean to stay this day in the neighbourhood of Salop and hope to be in Oxford Tuesday Eve by Birmingham coach about 8. Mr Sopwith is gone to meet Mr [Baddell?] near Wolverhampton

Ever yours


NZSL/BUC/1/59 · Item · 18 Oct 1841
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To Mrs Buckland
Ch. Ch. Oxford

Shrewsbury, Monday
Postmarked Oct. 18 1841

Mr Dear Mary

I got your letter at Bangor Saturday and mean to stay in the neighbourhood of Salop and not to be in Oxford [Thursday] Eve by Birmingham Coach about 8. Mr Sopwith is gone to meet Mr. Baddell near Wolverhampton

Ever yours