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NZSL/HOD/5/4/34 · Item · [1845]?
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Memos of Mr. Hodgson's Zoology

The species are:- Mammals of Nepal 126 - Mammals of Tibet 47 - Birds of Nepal 656

The Collections consist of Drawings of skins and of skeletons
The Drawings amount to 108 plates of anatomical delineations and 814 of ordinary fig. of Beast and Bird, the skins now brought to England and delivered to Brit. Mus. consist 402 Mammals and 4444 Birds
The osseous specimens delivered with them amount to 1069
Besides the above wh[ich] have been just now handed over by me to
the Museum, a large collection of specimens and drawings was made
over in Jany 1843 by my father, whereof I find Memo as follows:-
Drawings delivered to Mr Hawkins 709
Bird Skins - 408, Quadr. Skins - 49
The specimens and drawings having been presented to Brit. Mus. the desideration now is to ascertain that the whole are procured and properly preserved

NZSL/HOD/5/4/5 · Item · 23 Dec 1844
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Dec 23rd 1844
R[oya]l College of Surgeons

Dear Sir,

I am requested by the President of the College to express to you the pleasure with which the College will receive the osteological specimens of the animals of Nepal and Tibet which you have liberally offered to present to the College and to state that the earliest leisure which I can [command?] will be devoted to the examination of such specimens and the deduction of the inferences as to the natural affinities and habits of the species, in order to furnish you with the information you are desirous to possess. The visit to the Museum with which you favoured me on Friday may have afforded you some means of judging of the probably advantage to Science and to the furtherance of your own investigations of the Fauna of Nepal and Tibet which may accrue by the deposition of your osteological collections in the Hunterian Museum. I need scarcely add that the expense of package and [transmission?] will be defrayed by the College, and I remain
Dear Sir
Yours truly

B.H. Hodgson Esq
Richd Owen

NZSL/HOD/5/4/6 · Item · 23 Dec 1844
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

British Museum
23rd Dec 1844


The Trustees having had under their consideration your letter of the 15th inst. direct me in reply to acquaint you
1s That they have instructed Mr. Gray, the Keeper of Zoology, to proceed immediately to Canterbury, for the purpose of receiving the whole of your specimens and finished Drawings remaining there, and of conveying them to the Museum
2d that, as soon as your Collection arrives, they will give directions for the selection of the Duplicate specimens not required for the Museum and for the distribution of these Duplicates to the Institutions named in your former letter, and to such others as you may specifically direct, attaching in each case a list of the specimens
3d that they will also investigate the circumstances attending the detention of the Drawings lent to Mr. F. Howard, and will endeavour to procure their restoration
4 that the Keeper of the Zoology will no doubt be at all times happy to receive any communication with which he may be favored by you upon matters relating to his Department of Natural History, and to aid your researches in India, by such general advice and counsel as may not e inconsistent with his other very numerous and pressing duties
5 that the Trustees will take measures for the preparation forthwith of a list or short Catalogue of the Specimens and Drawings which you have had the liberality to present to the Museum, and will transmit a copy of the Catalogue to you in Nepal as soon as it had been prepared; and lastly that strict injunctions will be given to the officer in charge of your Drawings not to suffer any public use of them for two years from next January. With regard to the other points which you suggest, and particularly the publication of an illustrated Fauna of Nepal and Tibet, The Trustees beg to refer to my letter to yours of the 20th inst.
I have the honor to be
your most obedient
humble Servant
J. Forshall

To B. H. Hodgson Esq

NZSL/HOD/5/4/15 · Item · 6 Feb 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

East India House


I have laid before the Court of Directors of the East India Company your letter of the 25th ultimo tendering for their acceptance duplicate specimens of your extensive Collection of the Zoology of Nepal and Tibet. In reply I am commanded to convey to you the acknowledgements and thanks of the Court for this offer, which they have much pleasure in accepting. The Court are gratified by the opportunity of adding to their Museum and Collections acquired by so much Scientific Research and appropriated wit so much public spirit.
I am
Your most obedient
humble Servant

NZSL/HOD/5/4/27 · Item · [11] Feb 1857
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Feby [11] 1857

My dear Sir,

Your recent letter came to hand just in time to enable me to add a [few?] young [?] of the Rutwa Muntjac to Capt. James' despatch of birds I had however priorly at his his request afforded him all the advantages of my long experience in England of the pheasants and partridges of the Sikim Himalaya so that he was enabled to comply with the wishes of the Zool. Socy though not so [effectively] as he might have done had more time been afforded for procuring, taming and fitting for their journey our splendid game birds. I trust that some of his may nevertheless reach England in good health, though if you would make the [experiment?] of conveying these birds to Europe with all available chances of success, you should make your application, one season and, your transport of the birds, the next one, and so that the birds might be clear of the Bay of Bengal by the end of February. As it was it was too late to collect and quiet down the birds before they were sent off; and I apprehend that their embarcation will also be too late even if a sufficient quantity be forthcoming at Cala [Calcutta] when your Agent is ready to receive them and to convey them to England. Every thing depends on having birds duly prepared for the journey down the country, upon shipment at the [people?] season or height of the cold weather and upon ample room and careful supervision of the voyage. With all these advantages the birds may be assuredly conveyed home in high health, as I witnessed during my last voyage to England; without them here is but a doubtful chance of success. I request you will convey to the Committee my acknowledgements of their flattering attention to Dr. Horsfield and your suggestion for the illustrated publication of my Mammal novelties. Had I got this intimation a little sooner I could have forwarded with the Birds not only a fine live Ratwa or Kaker/Kacker which I did and beg to present the same to the society, but also, the [spoils?] of the wild Yak and of the Tibetan badger with one or two more rarities particularly a splendid skin of the Melanic variety of the leopard. But the intimation of your purpose came too late for that opportunity and the season is now so far advanced that the transmission of these skins, with any others I may get in the [interior?] had better be postponed till next season I have also now in the house a healthy and joyous individual of the Paradoxures tricus or the 5 striped species. But that is too great a pet to be parted with, though I may at all events be enabled to send you by and by an account of it's manners and habits as observed under circumstances of unusual advantage, I sent you long ago a drawing of a fine old male of Cervus Affinis I cannot hope to get a live sample but may procure more skins. Should I do so I will remember your wishes
Very [truly] yrs

B.H. Hodgson

NZSL/HOD/5/4/3 · Item · 15 Dec 1844
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Dec 15 1844

To the Trustees of the British Museum

My Lords and Gentlemen,

With reference to my recent letter to your address relative to my zoological collections and researches I have the honor to inform you that, my immediate return to India having just been decided on, I conceive it to be on many accounts most desirable that I should carry back with me my original Drawings as well as my Notes and Memoranda, leaving only my finished series of drawings together with the whole of my specimens in the possession of the Museum to be appropriated and distributed as already proposed.

  1. Accordingly I now request that my first proposition to you, my Lords and Gents. may be modified upon this plan because, in order to enable me on my return to India to resume and complete my zoological researches with the greatest rapidity and effect I shall need the whole of my original drawings and Notes, while my departure is so near that no time is left for any further proceedings in conjunction with the proposed Nominee of the Museum than the transfer to him of the specimens; and, indeed, to ensure that transfer being satisfactorily made it had become indispensable that not a moment be lost in the selection and despatch to Canterbury of the said Nominee.
  2. I beg leave therefore to solicit an early decision upon this point; for the specimens to be disposed of are exceedingly numerous and valuable and have been collected at so great a cost that it is most desirable their dispersal should be adjusted as far as possible before my departure.
  3. Of the series of finished drawings which I propose to present to the Museum a considerable number have been lent to an Artist of the name of Howard who [proposed?] their publication but has now desisted from that intention I recommend that steps be immediately taken by the Museum to recover possession of these drawings which were lent to Mr. Howard after they had been deposited in the Museum to which they are now presented by me, their sole and absolute owner.
  4. The small portion of the series which is unfinished, shall be transmitted by me from India as soon as may be, it being no longer possible to have them finished in London as before suggested by me.
  5. I return to India with the full purpose of effectively completing those researches which my sudden departure thence so sadly interrupted, and, in order, to their completion in the most satisfactory manner, I beg leave to suggest that some competent officer of the Museum be placed in communication with me and be authorised and directed to be [concert/consort?] which was mentioned in the prior letter, it being my anxious wish still to carry out, with the sanction and support of the Trustees, the complete original idea of an Illustrated Fauna of Nepal and Tibet based on these drawings; and I would accordingly hereby solicit the separate favourable consideration of the Trustees for that eventual undertaking which with the patronage of the British Museum would be extensively aided by subscriptions in India where when by sudden departure dislocated all my plans these drawings had already attracted general admiration owing to their extraordinary Zoological accuracy and to the quality of collateral illustrations of the habits and manners as well as the structures of species which they embrace and the fruit of years of continuous toil aided by the unique and irrevocable opportunities

I have [the honor to be]
B.H. Hodgson
Late Minister at The Court of Nepal

NZSL/HOD/5/4/33 · Item · [Undated]
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

To the Trustees of the British Museum London

My Lords and Gentlemen
Before my return from India I presented to the British Museum a large series of zoological specimens collected in Nepal in the last [20] years and I at the same time submitted a series of Drawings made under my directions in Nepal. I have brought home with me from India further ample supplies of both specimens and drawings as well as some Memoranda and Notes (diminished unhappily by accidents on the way) relative to the animals collected and delineated. The whole constitutes a large mass of materials procured at great expense for the illustration of the Zoology of Nepal and of Tibet, and it is my wish, while making the British Museum the primary Depositary of these materials to procure its aid in such a disposal and use of them as may most effectively to further the interests of Science both by distribution and by publication. I am however aware of the rules of the British Museum and therefore solicit its counsel and advice upon the following propositions and suggestions which occur to myself.

  1. One complete series of specimens (skins) and of drawings to be presented by me to the British Museum which institution shall return to me all duplicates already in its possession and shall appoint an officer to select from my fresh stores at Canterbury such further specimens and drawings as are required for completing its series.
  2. The officer above named to give me his aid in selecting from my specimens already in the Museum and at Canterbury further series to be presented, as far as the specimens go. 1st to India House 2nd to Paris Museum 3rd to the Leyden Museum 4th to that of Canterbury 5th to other institutions of Great Britain till the specimens are exhausted
  3. The same or other fit officer of the Museum to be appointed to examine with me my Notes and Memoranda as well as drawings with a view to publication if found advisable in such form and with such aid as to the Trustees may seem proper. Meanwhile, no public use to be made of either specimens or drawings without my consent.
  4. The series of finished drawings being not quite complete, the museum to appoint some Artist to complete it from the original rough drawings in my possession and from which that series was copied

very little additional work is needed for the end in view

your ob[edien]t Servant
B.H. Hodgson

In consideration of the donation of these drawings and skins to the British Museum; the collection and preparation of which have been to me a source of very great expense I would respectfully ask the Trustees to give me aid from the public resources at their disposal such aid in the publication of a Fauna of Nepal and Thibet, as they may deem suitable or to recommend to the British Government to give my projected work that support which has recently been so liberally bestowed upon similar labours. Meanwhile no public use to be made of either drawings or specimens
I have the honor to be
My Lords and Gentlemen
Your ob[edien]t Serv.
Signed B.H. Hodgson

P.S. My Zoological collections embrace an extensive osteological series which as not being suitable to the British Museum it is my intention to present to the Royal College of Surgeons with a request of such aid and cooperation as may seem fitting in reference to the objects of the above letter


150 species of Mammals
650 of Birds besides fishes, snakes etc

other institutions subsequently specified as Newcastle, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinbro, Dublin, Plymouth

NZSL/HOD/5/4/14 · Item · 5 Feb 1845
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

London February 5 1845

The Trustees of the Leyden
{Paris and etc} Museum


I have the honor to present to the Leyden Museum a series of Specimens illustrative of the Zoology of Nepal with Catalogues annexed. The Specimens amount to five hundred and thirty six Birds and sixty-nine Mammals [written above this figure is an amended pencilled figure of seventy]. In the Catalogue transmitted the whole of the Birds and Mammals discovered by me in Nepal are set down for the information of the Trustees and I may add that the complete series is deposited in the British Museum and amounts to
Mammals of Nepal 126 species
Mammals of Tibet 47 species
Birds of Nepal and Tibet 657 species
Frogs, Fishes, Snakes and Tortoises 80 species
The species now transmitted to Paris [Leyden] are transmitted through the obliging mediation to the British Museum and are distinguished in the annexed Catalogues by a cross prefixed.

I have the honor to be
Your most obt. Servant
B.H. Hodgson
Late British Minister at
the Court of Nepal

The same to Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, Edinbro, Dublin, Newcastle, Canterbury, Manchester, Earl of Derby with the number of specimens altered as follows

Birds Mammals Bones

3 Paris 462 48
4 Berlin 411 41
5 Frankfurt 352 7
6 Edinbro 321
7 Dublin 290
8 Newcastle 259
9 Canterbury 237
10 Manchester 213
11 Earl of Derby 205
12 Hugh Strickland 169

                                             ADD                                               Bones

British Museum 1753 170 195

  1. India House 655 162 45
  2. Leyden 536 78
  3. Paris 462 48
  4. etc. as above
    add College of Surgeons
    Haslar Institute
NZSL/HOD/5/4/7 · Item · 27 Dec 1844
Part of Non-ZSL Collections

Canterbury Dec 27th 1844

J.E. Gray Esq
Keeper Zoological
Dept. British Museum


With reference to the series of my drawings presented to the British Museum I have the honour to state to you that in refering to my own original drawings, from which those above averted to were copied for transmission to England. I find these original drawings to be in number as follows
2/ Anatomical and quasi anatomical
1/ Mammals 94
Birds 14 108 Sheets

 Ordinary or Non-Anatomical Mammals

11 Bats 7 Sheets
Quadrapeds 245

111 Birds
Old and New Series 826 Sheets

1V Fishes, Snakes, Lizards 24 Sheets
Frogs and Tortoises

3/ Of the above a nearly complete series of nos 11 and 111 were transmitted to England in regular numerical order on the smaller scale of about 20 inches by 12 and previously there had been sent a more than half of a series of ruder execution and upon a much larger scale
4 of the anatomical series or No. 1 only portions were sent to England and frequently in conjunction with the drawing of the species in questions. So also of the series No 1V only a small portion was ever transmitted

5/ Nevertheless the total of drawings transmitted from India exceeded what would seem to have been received by you; and the deficiency in your series appears to be [?] great particularly in the smaller sized drawings that I am led to request you will be pleased to give to me a fresh and careful statement of all the Drawings you possess distinguished into greater and lesser sized ones, and with the additional information when and whence you received them
6/ you will kindly let me have this information as soon as possible in order that I may [institute?] inquiries myself at the several channels of transmission
7/ you have recently received from me 52 sheets of Birds [210] of Mammals and I have this day delivered to your Apt. 19 more sheets of Birds and 1 of Mammals. These which are the sequel of the small series and ought nearly to complete it be pleased to include in your statement as above requested. There can be no question that a considerable number of the drawings despatched from India is not forthcoming at present if I may judge by the rough memo left with me by you, for, my species amount to 823 as per margin and not to mention that the larger series of Drawings and began far advanced in the copying when the lesser series was began there was not only a complete series on the smaller scale transmitted to England (inclusive of those delivered at Canterbury as above noted) but also several repeated and amended delineations of the same in that series particularly among the quadrupeds, and, lastly, in the new and small series of Drawings there [?] more than one species delineated on the same sheets so that there should be on the whole pretty nearly usually as many sheets as species
I have the honor etc
B.H. Hodgson

[Notes in Margin]
Mammals 126
Birds 656
Mammals 47[1]