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List of Ethnographical Drawings by Brian Houghton Hodgson
NZSL/HOD/5/4/30 · Item · 29 Mar 1870
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

The Grange

March 29 1870

List of Ethnographical drawings numbered by sheets

  1. Nepal Series
    26 originals and 12 duplicates
    Also, in small 6 originals and 4 duplicates
    Also 16 photographs including one Toda woman and one Chinese man

  2. Sikim Series
    23 originals and 7 duplicates

  3. Rough drafts, 17 originals - No duplicates

1V. Three photographs of a native of the Andamans
And a set of Chines heads for comparison taken from Illus. London News and 12 sets of measurements of Himalayans

N.B Given to Anthropological Society through Hooker and Sir J. Lubbock Jany 1873

N.B May 1873
Destination altered and drawings presented to the Christie Collection as per list of the Superintendant Mr. Franks. The residue being duplicates and what not, kept and herein contained


NZSL/HOD/5/4/31 · Item · 1845
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections


To the Trustees of the
Royal College of Surgeons

During my residence in India I made extensive collections with a view to illustrate the Zoology of Nepal, and, being not insensible of the high importance of whatever tends to fix the Science of Zoology on the firm basis of structural peculiarities, I preserved a great many skeletons (more or less perfect) of such quadrupeds and birds as were procured by me as specimens and likewise procured anatomical notes to be occasionally made relative the soft as well as hard parts of the animals. It is my wish to present these materials if found worthy to the College of Surgeons. I regret that circumstances which it [?] need not here be referred to have rendered them far less complete than ones hope to have made them. These osteological remains are for the most part duly numbered with reference to the series of skins and drawings presented by me to the Brit. Museum. The species may be thus, for the most part at once identified, and I have only to add the expression of my hope that in return for the donation hereby proposed the College of Surgeons will be pleased to place me in communication with the person who may be directed to receive and examine these [?] and that that person may be authorised and required to put me in possession of the results of his examination of them, particularly such as are calculated to [?] on the Natural affinity or the habits and manners of the specimens.
(signed) B.H. Hodgson

[Note of reverse]
M.S. Collection declined in the reply
and therefore made over to Brit. Mus.
Jany 1845

Letter from J E Gray to Brian Houghton Hodgson
NZSL/HOD/5/4/32 · Item · 1845
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections


My Dear Sir

I am sorry that I am obliged to go out this morning but in case you should some I leave the following

dons 1. India House - Dr. Horsfield Thomas Horsfield 1773-1859
655 American

       2. Mus. Leyden - Director
536 Mr Temminck Coenraad Jacob Temminck
Dutch 1778-1858
3. Mus. Paris The Administrator

4. Mus. Berlin Director
411 M. Lichtenstein Martin Hinrich Carl Lichtenstein
German 1780-1857

5. Mus. Senkenberg. Director
Frankfurt Dr. Rupell Eduard Ruppell
352 German 1794-1884

6. Edin.....College Museum
321 Professor Jameson Robert Jameson
Scottish 1774-1854

7. Dublin University Museum
290 Secretary R. Ball Esq Robert Ball
Irish 1802-1858
Became Director in 1844

8. Newcastle

9. Canterbury

10. Manchester The Secretary

11. Earl of Derby

12. Hugh Strickland Esq Hugh Edwin Strickland
Oxford English 1811-1853

Yours Very Truly
J.E. Gray

Note by J E Gray regarding publications
NZSL/HOD/5/4/35 · Item · [Undated]
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

Mr Gray engages to publish forthwith in London periodical the novelties (by Feby). Also to prepare in 3 months a corrected Catalogue of the whole to be distributed with the specimens and to be sent to me as well as copy of the above by overland to care of Sec. As. Soc. Bengal
3-4 To consult and arrange for the publication if possible be as soon as may be of a book of illustration from the drawings and of text from the skins and my notes [?] Gray wants List of works wherein I have published copies if may be [sent] and [?] depend on receiving a regular [set?] o9f the notes that they may [?] arranged here [?] the required additions

J.E. Gray Esq

NZSL/HOD/5/4/44 · Item · Jul 1845
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

Memorandum of the Zoological Specimens and Drawings presented to Mr. B. H. Hodgson to the several institutions specified

                                    BONES                                        SKINS
Bird Beast Bird Beast

British Museum 351 195 British Museum 1753 170
India House - 45 India House 655 102
Leyden 40 - Leyden 536 78 [70]
Paris 52 - Paris 462 40
Berlin - - Berlin 411 37
Frankfurt - - Frankfurt 352 7
Edinbro - - Edinbro 321 -
Dublin - - Dublin 290 -
Newcastle - - Newcastle 259 -
Manchester - - Manchester 237 -
Canterbury - - Canterbury 213 -
Earl Derby - - Earl Derby 205 -
H. Strickland - - H. Strickland - -
College of Surgeons 140 58 College of Surgeons 169 -
Haslar Institute 79 - Haslar - -
India House


British Museum Total 1064 Sheets
July 1845 Alfred at sea
N.B. Bihar Birds two boxes omitted

Letter from J Forshall to Brian Houghton Hodgson
NZSL/HOD/5/4/4 · Item · 20 Dec 1844
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

British Museum
Dec 20 1844


I am directed by the Trustees to acknowledge your letter dated Canterbury, December, and in reply to acquaint you that the Trustees are deeply obliged for the valuable series of Skins and Drawings which you have already presented to the Museum as well as for the liberal offer now made of completing the series.
This offer the Trustees will thankfully accept, and will instruct the proper officer to proceed to Canterbury, whenever it may be convenient to you, for the purpose of making the selection for the Museum, and of giving you such aid as he can consistently with his other public duties, in sorting the specimens to be distributed to other public Institutions, but the Trustees regret to say that to contribute in any way to the publication which you propose, does not fall within the limit of the objects to which they think it right to confine themselves.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant
J. Forshall

To B.H. Hodgson Esq

Letter from Brian Houghton Hodgson to Leyden Museum
NZSL/HOD/5/4/14 · Item · 5 Feb 1845
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

London February 5 1845

The Trustees of the Leyden
{Paris and etc} Museum


I have the honor to present to the Leyden Museum a series of Specimens illustrative of the Zoology of Nepal with Catalogues annexed. The Specimens amount to five hundred and thirty six Birds and sixty-nine Mammals [written above this figure is an amended pencilled figure of seventy]. In the Catalogue transmitted the whole of the Birds and Mammals discovered by me in Nepal are set down for the information of the Trustees and I may add that the complete series is deposited in the British Museum and amounts to
Mammals of Nepal 126 species
Mammals of Tibet 47 species
Birds of Nepal and Tibet 657 species
Frogs, Fishes, Snakes and Tortoises 80 species
The species now transmitted to Paris [Leyden] are transmitted through the obliging mediation to the British Museum and are distinguished in the annexed Catalogues by a cross prefixed.

I have the honor to be
Your most obt. Servant
B.H. Hodgson
Late British Minister at
the Court of Nepal

The same to Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, Edinbro, Dublin, Newcastle, Canterbury, Manchester, Earl of Derby with the number of specimens altered as follows

Birds Mammals Bones

3 Paris 462 48
4 Berlin 411 41
5 Frankfurt 352 7
6 Edinbro 321
7 Dublin 290
8 Newcastle 259
9 Canterbury 237
10 Manchester 213
11 Earl of Derby 205
12 Hugh Strickland 169

                                             ADD                                               Bones

British Museum 1753 170 195

  1. India House 655 162 45
  2. Leyden 536 78
  3. Paris 462 48
  4. etc. as above
    add College of Surgeons
    Haslar Institute
NZSL/HOD/5/4/16 · Item · [10] Feb 1845
Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

Memo of Zoological Collections
Feby. [10?] 1845
Delivered to the British Museum as per letter 3rd January

Mam. Skins Bird Skins M[ammal] Skins Bird Bones
402 4444 406 + 663 = 1069
to these Brit. Museum added priorly sent collection and then distributed as follows, as by J.E. Gray's letter of 9 Feby.

                          Bird Skins    Mammal Skins    Bird Bones    Mammal
Bones and

British Museum 1753 170 337 195
India House 655 102 79 45 horns
Leyden 536 78 40
Paris 462 48 52
Berlin 411 37
Frankfurt 352 7
Edinbro. 321
Dublin 290
Newcastle 259
Canterbury 237 2
Manchester 213
Earl Derby 205
H. Strickland 169
Royal College of Surg. 140 58
Haslar College 1 79
near Gosport

                            5863                   443                                             300