Returns of specimens in the Museum of the Zoological Society of London, including dried specimens of fish and reptiles, mounted mammalia, mounted birds, skulls, skeletons and small collections
117 Archival description results for Fishes
Correspondence between Dr K S Morris and George Soper Cansdale regarding a shipment of fish sent by Dr Morris to the Zoological Society of London
Letters from the Zoological Society of London to the Ministry of Food regarding requirements of fish for the feeding of the sea-lions and fish-eating birds
Letter from Joseph Miller to present 'the Gentleman who belongs to the Zoological Society and whose name he cannot at this moment call to mind - a Lobster...if he thinks it worth his acceptance. If he has any time a ticket or two to spare he and his family, which are numerous, to see the gardens if he thinks them deserving of them.' He will be glad to provide any curious fish to the Society
Letter from the Zoological Society of London to Joao de Freitas Martins regarding his offer to supervise the shipping of consignments of Madeira fish to the Aquarium
Letter from the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom to the Zoological Society of London regarding the transportation of six tubes, some flat fish (lemon soles and plaice), a few rays, dogfish and some spider crabs. Also a price list of marine specimens
Correspondence between the Marine Biological Association and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding the sale of fish to the Zoological Society of London
Letters from R J Lowe regarding casks of fish sent to the Zoological Society of London and what he regards as a new species which he names Alepisaurus
Correspondence between the London Anglers Association and the Zoological Society of London regarding the collection of fish from reservoirs at Walton