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              6 Descripción archivística results for Dog

              6 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
              Owen, Richard
              SEC/2/1/61 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1833-1835
              Parte de ZSL Secretaries

              Letters from Richard Owen regarding remarks on Bennett's edition of White's Natural History of Selborne, proofs of Bennett's paper with appreciation of his opinion on the value of Ousimile on Macr. Porryi, additions and alterations to notes on Hyrax, his omitted note of the salivary bags of the Armadillo from the written report of its dissection, MS of Clavagella, plans of the Monkey House and whether it is heated by hot air or steam, arrangements at the Garden to facilitate repetition and extension of experiments by Mr Hunter in 1725/6/7 to determine the relations subsisting between Wolf, Jackall and Dog, examination of 'your little feli-viverrine quadruped, bones of Touraco and drawings of Terebratala for the Zoological Society of London, East India Goats for sale by Mr Evans Riadone, an introduction to Mr Meade, a senior student at St Bartholomew's and a comparative anatomist and articulator of skeletons who wished to become a candidate for the College of Surgeons curatorship, and a request for Bennett to check a reference to 'Zoologie de la Caquille'

              Mitchell, David William
              SEC/6/40 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1850-1861
              Parte de ZSL Secretaries

              Correspondence to and about David William Mitchell regarding royal personages of the Zoological Society of London, shipments of birds, an arrangement with Mr Henry Beale for the conveyance and delivery of Greyhounds and Deerhounds, the Refreshment Rooms, a testimonial for Louis Fraser, the shipment of a Trigress and a Lion, bills of the Zoological Society of London, the estate of David William Mitchell, notes of a committee appointed to examine the state of the accounts between David William Mitchell and the Society, particulars of money due from the executors, and amount of claim against his estate

              Finch, Heneage
              SEC/7/6/4 · Unidad documental simple · 1871
              Parte de ZSL Secretaries

              Letter from Heneage Finch telling Philip Lutley Sclater that he owns a dog by a wolf, and offering it to the Zoological Society of London

              Wooler, G O
              SEC/2/1/80 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1833
              Parte de ZSL Secretaries

              Letter from G O Wooler saying that he had come up from Wolsingham to see his son Joseph, who had been in Bombay and had brought back a Black Dog (domesticated in Bombay although of the species Parish - wild dog). He considers that it is what Captain Williams calls a Dhole, which usually go in packs