Correspondence American Express and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding animals being shipped to the Zoological Society of London, including mink on board the SS Corrales, a white owl on SS Empire McCullum, a collection of animals aboard the SS Isipingo, a sloth bear cub from Bombay on SS Mantola, five monkeys on SS Isipingo, a bear cub on SS Mantola, animals on SS Deido, kangaroos on SS Rivercrest, animals aboard SS Tarkwa, caotimundis and capybara on SS Arakaka, a leopard on SS Congonia, a bandicoot on SS Brittanic, a shipment on SS Freetown, an ocelot and owl on Arakaka
Collecting animals
393 Archival description results for Collecting animals
Correspondence between R B Allnutt and George Soper Cansdale regarding a shipment of Tilapia for the Department of Agriculture for the Leeward Islands, and a request from the Zoological Society of London for reef fish
Letter from Allan, Deffell & Co. to David William Mitchell requesting assistance for Mr James Thompson and a collection of birds and some quadrapeds
Correspondence between Charles Alexander and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding the supply of Australian birds to the Zoological Society of London
Letter regarding the purchase of birds for the Zoological Society of London
Correspondence about Al Wabra animal collection
Correspondence between J Aistrop and George Soper Cansdale regarding an offer to bring a pair of Scarlet Ibis from America to the Zoological Society of London
Correspondence between Airlines and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding the shipment of a box of snakes to the Zoological Society of London, stuffed specimens of panda from Echwan Universities, and information about a regular air cargo service between London and the United States of America
Letter regarding a shipment of the leopard mascot of the 146 squadron
Correspondence between Major R Aidin and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding his offer to present a Bosman's Potto and possibly a mate to the Zoological Society of London