Correspondence between A Forbes and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding a series of deaths of cats at the Game Preservations Department in Khartoum and treatment for feline enteritis, Black Wildebeest, and birds and animals for sale
153 Archival description results for Birds
Correspondence between Leslie Martin Flewin and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding the sale and surplus of animals from German zoological collections, and animals and birds on loan from Hagenbeck's Tierpark in Hamburg
Correspondence between H Fenton, Geoffrey Marr Vevers and Captain F G Pay regarding a post-war programme for new animals, birds and fish
Correspondence with F Kimber & Sons, importers of animals and birds from all parts of the world, regarding surplus stock at the Zoological Society of London
List of birds presented to the Zoological Society of London by Alfred Ezra
Correspondence between Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Co. Ltd and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding a shipment of birds, leopards and sundries from Calcutta to Colombo
Correspondence with Gerald Durrell regarding animals to be deposited at London Zoo, the exchange of Gough Island Moorhens for a pair of Rheas, a publication by the International Union for the Preservation of Nature on extinct and vanishing birds, a trip to Argentina, the diet of Giant Pangolins, and the care of Notornis
Correspondence with K Drysdale regarding birds being brought by Drysdale to London Zoo and accommodation for two Cheetahs in quarantine
Correspondence with Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding birds and reptiles presented to the Zoological Society of London by dealers
Descriptions of birds seen