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Moxon, -
Pessoa singular · fl 1867

Wife of John Moxon

Murray, Andrew
Pessoa singular · 1812-1878

Andrew Dickson Murrary was a Scottish lawyer, botanist, zoologist and entomologist. Murray studied insects which caused crop damage, specialising in coleoptera. In botany, he specialised in Coniferae. He served as president of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh during 1858-59. Murray was a prominent opponent of the Darwin-Wallace model of natural selection. Murray believed that hybridisation was a better explanation for mimicry than natural selection. In 1860, Murray reviewed Darwin's On the Origin of Species in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

Napier, Francis
Pessoa singular · 1819-1898

Francis Napier was a British polyglot, diplomat and colonial administrator. He served as the British Minister to the United States from 1857 to 1859, Netherlands from 1859 to 1860, Russia from 1861 to 1864, Prussia from 1864 to 1866 and as the Governor of Madras from 1866 to 1872. He also acted as the Governor-General of India from February to May 1872

Nisbet, James
Pessoa singular · fl 1897
Onslow, William Hillier
Pessoa singular · 1853-1911

William Hillier Onslow was a British Conservative politician. He held several governmental positions between 1880 and 1905 and was also Governor of New Zealand between 1889 and 1892

Orléans, Louis-Philippe Albert
Pessoa singular · 1838-1894

Prince Philippe of Orléans, Count of Paris was disputedly King of the French from 24 to 26 February 1848 as Louis Philippe II, although he was never officially proclaimed as such. He was the grandson of Louis Philippe I, King of the French. He was the Count of Paris as Orléanist claimant to the French throne from 1848 until his death. From 1883, when his cousin Henri, Count of Chambord died, he was often referred to by Orléanists as Philippe VII

Osborne, John
Pessoa singular · fl 1869
Pakenham, Francis John, Sir
Pessoa singular · 1832-1905

Sir Francis Pakenham was a British diplomat who was envoy to Chile, Argentina and Sweden