Sir Jules Thorn was the founder of Thorn Electrical Industries
Physicist and engineer
Sir Charles Wyville Thomson was a Scottish natural historian and marine zoologist. He served as the chief scientist on the Challenger expedition. His work there revolutionised oceanography and led to his knighthood
Sir Arthur Landsborough Thomson was a Scottish medical researcher, amateur ornithologist, ornithological author and expert on bird migration. He was President of the British Ornithologists' Union from 1848-1955. He was President of the Zoological Society of London 1946-1950. He was Chairman of the British Trust for Ornithology 1941-1947 and won the Trust's Bernard Tucker Medal in 1957. In 1959 he was awarded the Godman-Salvin Medal.
Helper, Keeper, Clerk, Head Keeper and Assistant Superintendent at ZSL London Zoo
Thomson began as a Helper at ZSL London Zoo in 1869, became a full Keeper in 1871, served as a Clerk in Bartlett's office from 1873 to 1889, when he became Head Keeper, until his appointment as Assistant Superintendent in 1899