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Authority record
Person · 1855-1922

Aubyn Trevor-Battye was a British traveller, naturalist and writer. After graduating from Christ Church, Oxford, in 1887, he travelled widely in North America and Europe, studying ornithology, shooting game and fishing. In 1894 he made an expedition to the Russian Island of Kolguyev in the Barents Sea to study its natural history, especially the birds, and the topography. He was then invited to join William Martin Conway's expedition to Spitsbergen in 1896, as their zoologist. He travelled extensively in Europe, often on collecting expeditions or visiting zoological gardens

Tristram, Henry Baker
Person · 1822-1906

Henry Baker Tristram was an English clergyman, Bible scholar, traveller and ornithologist. As a parson-naturalist he was an early supporter of Darwinism, attempting to reconcile evolution and creation. In 1858 he read the simultaneously-published papers by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace that were read in the Linnean Society, and published a paper in Ibis. He attempted to reconcile this early acceptance of evolution with creation. Following the Oxford debate between Thomas Henry Huxley and Samuel Wilberforce, Tristram, after early acceptance of the theory, rejected Darwinism. Tristram was a founded and original member of the British Ornithologists' Union, and appointed a fellow of the Royal Society in 1868. Edward Bartlett, an English ornithologist and son of Abraham Dee Bartlett, accompanied Tristram to Palestine in 1863-1864. During his travels he accumulated an extensive collection of bird skins, which he sold to the World Museum Liverpool

Tritton, Robert Ernest
Person · 1915-

Labourer in the Works Department at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo