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Poles, William Eustace
Pessoa singular

Major Poles joined the Northern Rhodesia Game and Tsetse Control Department - now the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Zambia - and was given charge of a vast area centred on Mpika, which included the Luangwa Valley (accessible only on foot)

Cuvier, Georges, Baron
Pessoa singular · 1769-1832

A French naturalist and zoologist, sometimes referred to as the 'founding father of palaeontology'. Cuvier was a major figure in natural sciences research in the early 19th century and was instrumental in establishing the fields of comparative anatomy and palaeontology through his work in comparing living animals with fossils

Veale & Saunders
Pessoa coletiva · fl 1939

Chartered Quantity Surveyors

Spencer, Herbert
Pessoa singular · 1820-1903

Herbert Spencer was an English polymath active as a philosopher, psychologist, biologist, sociologist and anthropologist. Spencer originated the expression "survival of the fittest", which he coined in Principles of Biology after reading Charles Darwin's book On the Origin of Species

Fenton, H
Pessoa singular · fl 1944
Aidin, Major R
Pessoa singular · fl 1944
Osman-Hill, William Charles
Pessoa singular · 1901-1975

Dr William Charles Osman-Hill was a British anatomist, primatologist and an authority on primate anatomy during the 20th century. He wrote an eight volume series called 'Primates: Comparative Anatomy and Taxonomy', which covered all living and extinct species known at the time in full detail and contained illustrations created by his wife, Yvonne.

He was educated at King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys in Birmingham, and later obtained his degrees from the University of Birmingham. He obtained his primary medical degrees in 1924, and the same year took on the role of lecturer in zoology. He earned his MD with honours in 1925. He also earned his Ch.B while in medical school.

Upon graduation, Osman-Hill continued his role as a lecturer at the University of Birmingham under an apprenticeship until 1930, but teaching anatomy instead of zoology. In 1930 he moved to Sri Lanka to become both Chair of Anatomy and Professor of Anatomy at the Ceylon Medical College. His position allowed him to pursue anthropological studies of the indigenous Veddah people and comparative anatomy of primates. During this time, he began developing a private menagerie of exotic and native species. Osman-Hill held this position in Sri Lanka for 14 years, returning to the United Kingdom after being appointed as Reader in Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh in 1945. Upon his departure from Sri Lanka, his menagerie was divided between London Zoo and the National Zoological Gardens of Sri Lanka.

In 1950 he became Prosector at the Zoological Society of London and remained there for twelve years. He left London Zoo in 1962.

Between 1957 and 1958, Osman Hill acted as a visiting scholas at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Later in 1958, primatologist Jane Goodall studied primate behaviour under him. In 1962, he was hired as the assistant director of the Yerkes National Primate Center in Atlanta.

The Royal Society of Edinburgh honoured him as a fellow in 1955, and for his contributions to science awarded him both its Gold Medal and the Macdougal-Brisbane Prize. Upon his retiring from YNPRC in 1969, the Royal College of Surgeons of England made him a Hunterian Trustee.

Barnett, Burgess
Pessoa singular · 1888-

Curator of Reptiles, Anatomist and Researcher at ZSL London Zoo