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Frith, William Powell
Persona · 1819-1909

William Powell Frith was an English painter specialising in genre subjects and panoramic narrative works of life in the Victorian era. He was elected to the Royal Academy in 1853, presenting The Sleeping Model as his Diploma work

Funck, N
Persona · fl 1871

Zoologischer Garten, Köln

Fyfe, H C
Persona · fl 1902

Assistant librarian, Royal Institution

Giebel, Christoph Gottfried Andreas
Persona · 1820-1881

Christoph Gottfried Andreas Giebel was a German zoologist and palaeontologist. He was a professor of zoology at the University of Halle where he managed the zoology collections at the museum. His interests were in systematics and palaeontology and he opposed Darwinian evolution. He published several works including Palaozoologie (1846); Fauna der Vorwelt (1847-1856); Deutschlands Petrefacten (1852); Odontographie (1855); Lehrbuch der Zoologie (1857); and Thesaurus ornithologiae (1872-1877).

Goering, Christian Anton
Persona · 1836-1905

Christian Anton Goering was a German naturalist, painter and graphic artist who spent several years in Venezuela. He learned taxidermy from his father, who was a member of several ornithological societies. It was at a meeting of one of these societies that he met Christian Ludwig Brehm who helped him obtain a position at the Ornithological Museum of the University of Halle, where he worked under the direction of Hermann Burmeister. From 1856 to 1858, they travelled in South America and he decided to pursue his interests in natural history. He also went to London, where he took lessons from the zoological artist Joseph Wolf. While he was there, the Secretary of the Zoological Society, Philip Lutley Sclater, asked him to go to Venezuela to collect specimens for the British Museum

Graphic, The
Entidad colectiva


Grey and Co
Entidad colectiva