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Curzon, George Nathaniel
Persona · 1859-1925

George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston was a British statesman, Conservative politician and writer who served as Viceroy to India from 1899 to 1905. From 1919 to 1924 he served as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

Davis, J R
Persona · fl 1884

P T Barnum's agent

Day, Francis
Persona · 1829-1889

Francis Talbot Day was an army surgeon and naturalist in the Madras Presidency who later became the Inspector-General of Fisheries in India and Burma. A pioneer ichthyologist, he described more than three hundred fishes in the two-volume work on The Fishes of India. He also wrote the fish volumes of the Fauna of British India series. He was also responsible for the introduction of trout into the Nilgiri Hills, for which he received a medal from the French Societe d'Acclimatisation. Many of his fish specimens are distributed across museums with only a small fraction deposited in the British Museum (Natural History), an anomaly caused by a prolonged conflict with Albert Günther, the keeper of Zoology there

Dicksee, Herbert Thomas
Persona · 1862-1942

Herbert Thomas Dicksee was an English painter who specialised in oil paintings of dogs, particularly the deerhound

Dow, John M
Persona · fl 1868
Duncan, Peter Martin
Persona · 1824-1891

Peter Martin Duncan was an English Palaeontologist. He was a Fellow of the Zoological Society of London, holding office in the Society