Frederic Moore was a British entomologist and illustrator. He produced six volumes of Lepidoptera Indica and a catalogue of the birds in the collection of the East India Company.
It has been said that Moore was born at 33 Bruton Street, but that may be incorrect given that this was the address of the office of the Zoological Society of London from 1826 to 1836.
Moore was appointed an assistant in the East India Company Museum in London from 31 May 1848 on a 'disestablished basis' and became a temporary write and then an assistant curator at the East India Museum with a pension of £330 per annum.
He began compiling Lepidoptera Indica (1890-1913), a major work on the butterflies of the South Asia in 10 volumes, which was completed after his death by Charles Swinhoe. Many of the plates were produced by his son while some others were produced by E C Knight and John Nugent Fitch. Many species of butterfly were described by him in this work.
Stable Helper at ZSL London Zoo
Employed at ZSL London Zoo
Second Secretary to the Accountant and Clerk to the Council at ZSL
Nightwatchman Stoker at ZSL London Zoo
Secretary of the Royal Zoological Society of Ireland
Boiler House Engineer at ZSL London Zoo