5th [Dec] 1839
My dear Sir
On my arrival here yesterday my son [John] Fuller Meyrick [Keeper] had just shot an Eagle on the rocks by the sea side within about a mile from his House. It was in the act of eating a Rabbit when he shot him, and… read more
5th [Dec] 1839
My dear Sir
On my arrival here yesterday my son [John] Fuller Meyrick [Keeper] had just shot an Eagle on the rocks by the sea side within about a mile from his House. It was in the act of eating a Rabbit when he shot him, and unluckily he fell in the sea which has wetted his Feathers and the Retriever had a very difficult matter bringing him to the shore - I shall send him up by the coach this day as the Zoological Society may like to have him stuffed, the only time I have heard of one being shot or seen in Anglesey was about 60 years ago. I should like to have a line from you if it is the common Eagle which they have in Scotland, or is it a Sea Eagle. I received your letter about the Hare, I killed it adjoining a large Wood, I understand it had been seen constantly before by my Bailiff who could not make out whether it was a Hare or a Rabbit, the colour being different from either Hare or Rabbit.
Believe me to be
My dear Sir
Your most obedient Servt.
Augustus Elliott Fuller
To W. Ogilby Esq
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