Salmon Fisheries Office
4 Old Palace Yard
Westminster S.W.
Jan 13 1873
3.00 om
Your Royal Highness
I am much obliged for your letter just received. Dr [Vougar/Zougar?] arrived from Switzerland Friday night with 100,000 eggs of great Lake Trout and was very busy all day Saturday sending them away to different people I should be most obliged if you would kindly always write me
37 Albany St
Regents Park
not at the office. The Pheasant is come I will report on him after dissection to you R.H. I shall be delighted to come to Windsor any day this week, your R.H. may appoint after Wednesday
Yours most obedient
Frank Buckland
H.R.H. Prince Christian
Please write to
37 Albany St
Regents Park
and give me your orders