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              9 Descripción archivística results for Pets

              9 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
              Millsom, Captain C
              SUP/5/1/1/91 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1945
              Parte de Superintendents

              Correspondence between Captain C Millsom and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding the offer of a pet Hulak Gibbon from Burma to the Zoological Society of London

              Mrs Eames
              CUR/6/3 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1958
              Parte de Curators and Keepers

              Correspondence with Mrs Eames regarding the donation of a fox as a pet in the TV Unit or London Zoo

              Galloway, Lt. General A
              SUP/5/1/2/98 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1946
              Parte de Superintendents

              Correspondence between Lt. General A Galloway and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding the importation of a pet wild boar called Chewing Gum

              Sub-Committee on Pets' Corner
              SEC/10/2/2/17 · Unidad documental simple · 2 Dec 1937
              Parte de ZSL Secretaries

              Minutes of the Sub-Committee on Pets' Corner with recommendations to the Garden Committee and Council

              Queries - general
              SUP/5/1/2/186 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1946
              Parte de Superintendents

              Correspondence with Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding general queries such as specimens of Hedgehogs, Birds of Prey, fencing for Bison, samples of bark, the flea Hectopsylla psittaci, insuring animals, big game hunters, a Llama cart, the well in the Zoological Gardens, cattle guards, the caring of monkeys as pets, a Tree Kangaroo named Minnie, the temperature in the Monkey House, bird life of the Cocos Islands, the bodies of Goldfish, measurements of the eyes of animals, photographs of the Penguin Pool and a broadcast on Children's Hour

              Pulfer, G W
              SUP/5/1/1/108 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1945
              Parte de Superintendents

              Correspondence between G W Pulfer and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding the shipment of a pet monkey to the United Kingdom from South East Asia

              Duiker Notes of June M Hopkins
              NZSL/HOP/1 · Unidad documental simple · 1962-1968
              Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

              Observational notes on the rearing and behaviour of duikers and other animals (lions, antelopes and a pet cat) in Nigeria. Includes some correspondence. Also an extract from June Hopkins' journal describing a visit to Nairobi National Park Animal Orphanage

              Sin título
              Greene, Dr Raymond
              SEC/13/1/57 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1963
              Parte de ZSL Secretaries

              Correspondence with Dr Raymond Greene, a director of Heinemann's medical books, regarding a book on 'Diseases Common to Man and his Pets' and a request to approach Oliver Graham-Jones