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              3 Descripción archivística results for Kea

              3 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
              Auckland Zoo
              SUP/6/1/1/1 · Unidad documental simple · 1948
              Parte de Superintendents

              Letter from the Curator of The Auckland Zoological Park to George Soper Cansdale regarding an offer of a trio of Keas to the Zoological Society of London

              Onslow, William Hillier
              SEC/7/15/1 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1892-1895
              Parte de ZSL Secretaries

              Letters from William Hillier Onslow to Philip Lutley Sclater regarding whether the Zoological Society of London would like to have a pair of Keas, membership of the Zoological Society, and the preservation of native birds of New Zealand. Also a report on Native New Zealand Birds with a memorandum by Lord Onslow.

              Auckland Zoo
              SUP/6/1/1/8 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1949
              Parte de Superintendents

              Correspondence between Auckland Zoo and George Soper Cansdale regarding a shipment of Keas to the Zoological Society of London. Also, a paper by the City of Auckland on Conditions of Appointment of Curator, Auckland Zoological Park