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              2 Descripción archivística results for Jaguar

              2 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
              NZSL/ROP/12 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1974-1979
              Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

              Colour negatives of Indian python in captivity, dated 3 January 1976; captive jaguars, dated 17 June 1977; a hatching budgerigar and of a macaque/Celebes ape (Macaca nigra) and baby, dated September 1977; snakes in captivity, and some personal images, dated 25 December 1979

              NZSL/ROP/24 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1972-1980
              Parte de Non-ZSL Collections

              Black and white negatives and accompanying proof sheet of a macaque/Celebes ape (Macaca nigra) and baby in Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, dated 1 January 1972; colour negatives of a young jaguar with J D Romer, and of snakes (Rhabdophis subminiatus) in captivity, probably in Hong Kong, dated February to March 1980