Correspondence between Mary Etherington and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding Exmoor Ponies for the Zoological Society of London
7 Description archivistique résultats pour Ponies
Correspondence with Lord Brabourne regarding the purchase of miniature Shetland ponies
Correspondence regarding the shipment of two Shetland Ponies from the Zoological Society of London to the Tel-Aviv Zoological Garden Society, a shipment of animals from the Zoological Society of Philadelphia, and the transport of a pair of Wallabies
Correspondence with Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding the Zoological Society of London sending a Puff Adder to Tierpark Dahlholzi and the possibility of getting two female Shetland ponies
Correspondence between Commander A M Hughes and Geoffrey Marr Vevers regarding snakes to be collected from Rangoon Zoo and exchanged for Shetland Ponies
Press releases from the Institute of Zoology regarding the world's first Przewalski Wild Horse born to a surrogate pony, breeding endangered species, a new veterinary hospital at Whipsnade, British wildlife to benefit from health research and a Zoological Society of London scientist winning an International Environment Award
Papers regarding the 'Horse of the Year' Show. Zoological Society of London ponies Starlight and Twilight took part in the show
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