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Broderip, William John
Pessoa singular · 1789-1859

William John Broderip was an English lawyer and naturalist. Broderip throughout his life was an enthusiastic collector, particularly of shells. His collection was ultimately purchased by the British Museum. He was elected a Fellow of the Linnean Society in 1824, of the Geological Society in 1825, and of the Royal Society on 14th February 1828. In co-operation with Sir Stamford Raffles he aided the formation of the Zoological Society of London, of which he was one of the original Fellows

Brookes, Joshua
Pessoa singular · 1761-1833

Joshua Brookes was a British anatomist and naturalist. Brookes studied under William Hunter, William Hewson, Andrew Marshall and John Sheldon in London. He then attended the practice of Antoine Portal and other eminent surgeons at the Hotel-Dieu de Paris.

Brookes became a teacher of anatomy in London, and the founder of the Brookesian Museum of Comparative Anatomy.

Brookes was the first to place the Cheetah in its own genus, which is established in 1828 as Acinonyx. The generic name, Brookesia, in in honour of Joshua Brookes

Browning, James
Pessoa singular · fl 1834
Fuss, P J
Pessoa singular · fl 1830s
Hawthorne, -
Pessoa singular · fl 1836
Magrath, -
Pessoa singular · fl 1834
Mayo, Herbert
Pessoa singular · fl 1830s
Neeves, J
Pessoa singular · fl 1830s
Owen, Richard, Sir
Pessoa singular · 1804-1892

Sir Richard Owen was an English biologist, comparative anatomist and palaeontologist. Owen produced a vast array of scientific work, but is probably best remembered for coining the word Dinosauria, meaning terrible reptile or fearfully great reptile. An outspoken critic of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, Owen agreed with Darwin that evolution occurred, but thought it was more complex than outlined in Darwin's On the Origin of the Species. Owen was the first President of the Microscopical Society of London in 1839 and edited many issues of its journal, The Microscopic Journal. Owen also campaigned for the natural specimens in the British Museum to be given a new home. This resulted in the establishment, in 1881, of the Natural History Museum in South Kensington.

Schelabear, W J
Pessoa singular · fl 1830s