Showing 4369 results

Authority record
Murphy, P
Person · 1893-1925

Gatekeeper at ZSL London Zoo

Murie, James
Person · 1832-1925

Prosector at the Zoological Society of London 1865-1870

Person · 1792-1871

Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, 1st Baronet, was a Scottish geologist who served as director-general of the British Geological Survey from 1855 until his death in 1871. He is noted for investigating and describing the Silurian, Devonian and Permian systems.

Munn, Percival
Person · 1915-

Labourer at ZSL London Zoo

Munn, Henry
Person · 1876-

Helper and Keeper at ZSL London Zoo

Mundy, George Rodney, Sir
Person · 1805-1884

Admiral of the Fleet Sir George Rodney Mundy was a Royal Nacy officer. As a commander, he persuaded the Dutch to surrender Antwerp during the Belgian Revolution and then acted as a mediator during negotiations between the Dutch and the Belgians to end hostilities. As a captain, he was deployed to the East Indies Station and was asked to keep the Sultan of Brunei in line until the British Government made a final decision on whether to take the island of Labuan. He was then deployed to the seas of Finland where he secured Björkö Sound in operations against Russian during the Crimean War