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Obaysch the Hippopotamus
Animal · fl 1850-1878

Obaysch was harpooned (bearing the scar all his life) when only a few days old, near an island in the Nile, from which he took his name. He arrived in London on 25th May 1850 and became the first hippo to reach Europe since the days of the Roman Empire. Despite lacking the engaging appearance and nature normally associated with Zoo stars, he quickly became the rage in London. Queen Victoria inspected him shortly after his arrival. In 1854 a female, Adhela, joined him. In 1871 Obaysch fathered London Zoo's first baby hippo. Sadly it did not survive. In 1872 two more were born, and the second of these, named Guy Fawkes because of its birthday (although subsequently discovered to be female), became the first captive-bred hippo to be reared by its mother. Obaysch died in 1878, while his hardly less popular daughter survived until 1908

Brown, Eleanor Margaret
Persona · 1905-

Aquarium Research Fellow at ZSL from January 1928 until March 1931. She had a BSc awarded by the University of London in 1926. In 1928 she exhibited specimens at two ZSL Scientific Meetings, then in May 1929 presented a paper on the breeding habits and larvae of the tompot blenny, a marine fish. This was subsequently published during October of the same year in Proceedings of the Zoological Society (Brown, 1929)

Lloyd, Robert Wylie
Persona · 1868-1958

Robert Wylie Lloyd was the Director of Christie's, a mountaineer and Vice President of the Alpine Club. He was the Editor of Nomenclature Zoologicus

Brooke, Dr
Persona · fl 1951

Medical Officer of Health for Finsbury

The British Trust for Ornithology
Entidad colectiva · 1932-

The British Trust for Ornithology is an organisation founded in 1932 for the study of birds in the British Isles. Max Nicholson was the first treasurer, Bernard Tucker was the secretary and Harry Witherby was an early benefactor and vice-chairman

Burns, J E
Persona · fl 1947
Grabham, George Walter
Persona · 1882-1955

George Walter Grabham was born in Madeira. Educated at University College School and St John's College, Cambridge, he joined the Geological Survey of Great Britain in 1903 and worked in Scotland until 1906. He then became a Government geologist in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Grabham retired from the Geological Survey of the Sudan in 1934 but was retained as geological adviser until 1939

Gray, James
Persona · fl 1943